AP36 Vibration Dampening System / AP35 Support Bracket


AP36 Vibration Dampening System – Minimizes Laser Beam Drift when driving piles into the ground.

AP35 Support Bracket – Mount the laser to the pile with an offset so the laser beam is not blocked by refusals. Can be used with the AP1000 Leveling Adapter Plate.



Use to install Solar Energy support brackets on commercial buildings and PV Panel Solar Fields.

AP36 Vibration Dampening System – Minimizes Laser Beam Drift when driving piles into the ground.

AP35 Support Bracket – Mount the laser to the pile with an offset so the laser beam is not blocked by refusals. Can be used with the AP1000 Leveling Adapter Plate.


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System Accessories PDF

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AP36 Vibration Dampener, AP35 Support Bracket, AP36-AP35 Vibration Dampener & Support Bracket System


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