Laser Tools Co., Inc. SE-10 Solar Energy Installation System Optical Scope and Target

SE-10 Solar Energy Installation System with SE-4X32 Optical Scope

SE-10 Solar Energy Installation System with SE-4X32 Optical Scope

GDT250 Retro-Reflective Magnetic Target Front Side

GDT250 Retro-Reflective Magnetic Target Front Side

GDT250 Retro-Reflective Magnetic Target Rear Side with Magnetic Spot Target

GDT250 Retro-Reflective Magnetic Target Rear Side with Magnetic Spot Target

The SE-10 Solar Energy Installation System is used to install the PV piles and bracketry that physically support solar cell panels and arrays. Installers use the SE-10 Solar Energy Installation System’s laser beam as a reference guide for straight pile alignment and consistent cutoff heights.

A new 4X32 Optical Scope and GDT250 retro-reflective target have both been added as accessories to the SE-10 Solar Energy Installation System. These new products speed the alignment of the laser beam over a 300-foot course. The 4 power Optical Scope helps align the laser beam on target and includes ranging graduations and calibration adjustments that don’t require special tools. The GDT250 4” x 8” retro-reflective target contains micro spheres that reflect the laser light back upon the path of the incident light. This means that contractors can use the Optical Scope to position the laser beam on target and then use the reflected image on the spot target to verify target and position lock. The reflected laser light can be seen on the spot target over 300 feet away.

For more information contact Laser Tools Co., Inc. at 12101 Arch St., Little Rock, AR 72206 or e mail or call 501-562-0900 or FAX 501-562-0022